Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm having a bit off a blockage...No, no, not that kind!

Everyday I stare at my computer screen and try to come up with something fabulous to tell you all about. Problem is, nothing much has been happening in my life lately. I'm fine with that as my stress level needs a break now and then.
Another successful day at the restaurant!

I'm sure this is just a calm moment before the tides turn again, but so far we are managing to stay afloat.

My life of excitement and partying came to a much needed end three years ago. Now I like to do things like grocery shop. late night drug store shopping, playing scrabble (on computer and in real life), and I have added walking to the list my physical therapist is making me walk an hour everyday.

Every word is a winner!
It's sort of a theme happening here...

See, I told you so!
 My favorite grocery store The cheapest grocery store is Market Basket - Their motto is: Market Basket, where you get mowah fowah yowah dollah! I feel accomplished after a trip to the Basket.

When I shop here I need to mentally prepare or else I will end up in the fetal position crying. 
Another successful trip to Market Basket!

The parking lot alone, is a battlefield. It doesn't matter what day or what time of day you go to this store; as it's ALWAYS busy. I used to wear my i pod when shopping here until I went late on a Sunday and as I was blissfully shopping, I was disrupted by an employee informing me that they were past closing time. The only time it's peaceful at Market Basket is when they are closed!

Yoda ~ Shopper of bargains is he...
I would advise one to go to the bathroom before shopping here, (in addition to mentally preparing), as the odor near the bathrooms smells like catfood, vomit, raw meat & SHAME! The clearance stuff is right next to the bathrooms and I've almost added to the smell of vomit on more than one occasion. On one of my more recent trips here, I discovered that they are making their own brand of potato chips and I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw them. 

Finally! A chip for the common idiot! Such a bargain!

I'm certain that stupid people everywhere are enjoying these preservative-free, crispy, delights and have no idea that Market Basket is insulting them. I wonder if I'm the only person that has noticed this treasure!

The secret is out. Market basket thinks we are all idiots! They may be right!

Splendid then...


  1. times to go to hell (aka mahket basket):
    weekdays at 1pm
    fridays after 7 (unless a holiday or a fucking snowstorm)
    6-9am on the weekends

    hope this information is helpful. :)
    love you.

  2. hey elisa this is f**king brilliant. walking is good! you are a very very funny and excellent writer.
